
Meet Wolfy a 12-year-old Mastin /Belgian Shepherd cross. Wolfy has been with us for 3 years now and has seen many dogs come and go. He is constantly missed as most adopters don’t want an older dog. Which is such a shame as Wolfy has lots to offer and although he is an older dog he is still full of life and has a great personality. He walks well and is good with all the dogs. Wolfy really enjoys his one to one with the volunteers and is always wagging his tail. Come and meet Wolfy, can you give him a home for the rest of his life? He so deserves one last place he knows as home.

Breed Maston Cross /Belgian Shepherd
Sex Male
Colour Rust with white long haired.
DOB 2012
Arrived 17 September 2021
ID# 4795

Back to Large Dogs


Shop: Padre Cura 14
29680 Estepona, Málaga
(0034) 952806992

Shelter: Parque los Pedgregales, 36°27'10.6"N 5°12'38.4"W, 29680 Estepona, Málaga
(0034) 952113467


E: adanapresident1@gmail.com



Shop: Padre Cura 14
29680 Estepona, Málaga
(0034) 952806992

Shelter: Parque los Pedgregales, 36°27'10.6"N 5°12'38.4"W, 29680 Estepona, Málaga
(0034) 952113467


E: adanapresident1@gmail.com



Shop: Padre Cura 14
29680 Estepona, Málaga
(0034) 952806992

Shelter: Parque los Pedgregales, 36°27'10.6"N 5°12'38.4"W, 29680 Estepona, Málaga
(0034) 952113467


E: adanapresident1@gmail.com
